Going Green and Driving My SUV
There are many things that disturb me about the modern global warming movement. Therefore there are many things I could discuss, about the modern global warming movement. Some of which I will go into at a later date.
I was taking an apologetic s class and during that class we had a discussion about how to win a debate. The professor made this comment about winning a debate. If you can show how even your opponents premises supports your conclusions, then you have gone a long way in demonstrating the fallacy in their argument.
So let's begin. The global warming belief is this. An increase in carbon dioxide will in turn cause an increase in the global temperature of the earth. My first question that I have to ask is this. What if this were to happen?
So lets assume that we continue to burn fossil fuels until we run out of fossil fuels in the next 2 to 3 hundred years. What would be the result?
There are actually several benefits from an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The first is increase in plant growth. One of the most significant aspects of this increase is an increase in the growth and hardiness of the roots. You may be saying to yourself big deal. So what if the roots of the plants are hardier. The significance of hardier roots means the roots can find the nutrients in the ground and in places that today they cannot. This means the parts of the world that are not arable today could be arable with more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This would cause more vegetation on the planet today. Along with a better root system for plants more carbon dioxide also increase the beneficial microbes in the soil.
You may be thinking how do you know that. Because this all happen before, when the earth was much warmer than it was today. The carbon dioxide level was higher also, and there were no polar ice caps on the earth. Yes, fifty million years ago (according to secular time or deep time as it used to be called) humans could have lived on Antarctica.
Fifty million years ago, the earth was much warmer. Tropic plants and animals lived above the arctic circle. Some studies have suggested that the polar regions were as warm as 30 degrees centigrade or about 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The equator was around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The average seasonal difference was around 2-3 degrees Celsius unlike the 12 degrees Celsius today. And the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could have been as high as 2000 ppm, compared to today's 400 ppm. That would be 5 times higher than carbon dioxide levels today.
As further evidence, there has been studies today that suggest that an increase in carbon dioxide increases the rate of plate growth. J. Elliot Campbell of the University of California, Merced and his colleges concluded that plants were turning 31 percent more carbon dioxide into organic matter today than they were before the industrial revolution. In fact, plants are growing at a faster rate now than at anytime in the past 54,000 years. Dr. Campbell estimated that the extra plant growth resulted in an extra 28 billion tons of carbon dioxide turned in to organic matter every year.
So, if we keep increasing the carbon dioxide levels on the earth, we can expect an increase in plant growth, more arable land to farm and a constant 80 degrees Fahrenheit temperature across the Earth. If the Earth behaves the same way as it did before when there was more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Sign me up for that!
I know what I am going to do. I am going to go fill my SUV and drive around till it is empty and then do it all over again. GO GREEN